School days at La Mariposa are an intense, wonderful weave of learning experiences, some highly structured and some more informal, with infinite possibilities for inventing one's own path.
Breakfast is on the terrace at 7:15. Classes begin at 8:00. Before lunch, I've had a 2-hour conversation class and a 1 1/2 hour grammar class with a 30 minute juice break. Jenny (at right) has been my conversation teacher this week. Today, something special for me, she read to me from the Autobiografia of Ruben Dario, one of the nation's most honored (no longer living) poets. This text became the topic of our conversation, text alternating with talk. (Jenny speaks no English. This is good for me!)
Lunch on the terrace is followed by afternoon activities, which have often been prepared for in the morning's conversation class. For example, the unifying theme of my conversation class the first day I was here was Tortillas y sopa de queso (Tortillas and cheese soup). That afternoon, in the kitchen, there were lessons in making tortillas y sopa de queso. And guess what we had for dinner!
Often our afternoon activities are field trips from which we return at dinner time. After dinner....la tarea (homework!). We are very busy at La Mariposa Spanish School! And there's lots more to tell. Later.
Hi Anne,
ReplyDeleteI was wondering how the 'school part' of your adventure was going...and now you have my interest up a bit more with the word "intense"...how intense, why intense..I have been guessing maybe only 3 students and Jenny speaks no English-with that ratio, not much 'down time' (.any RIGOR!?(: ) I know from you sharing with us that your Spanish was coming right along-and they must know you are not a beginner...nice-seems your goal may be reached! Maybe between you, Haydee and Manny we could do some 'immersion' in class!!
I am happy to know they have provided so many opportunities to get out in nature already! Glad to hear you are healing right along from the unexpected fall! Looking forward to following your blog. I am getting a "taste" of your experience - the food, the people, and the countryside!